Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Phone Etiquette.......

Phone etiquette leaves a lot to be desired these days . Professionally and personally . What is the problem with saying your name when you call someone ? That is nothing but courtesy towards the person you are calling . If you leave a message - PLEASE include the number where you can be reached - unless you know you are someone I have saved in my phone . And when did starting a call with " hey " become fashionable in the business world . Maybe I am just old fashioned ?
Any comments ???

Sunday, October 21, 2007

Sundays what's the point

Another Sunday , there it is you are looking forward to the weekend and then here it is and you are bored to death wishing it was Monday . In this country it is either football or baseball reigning the weekend and beyond. Sometimes I miss being back home in Europe it is at least mostly just soccer on Saturday. Unlike here where people are obsessed with several sports at the same time. Life comes to a standstill - football turns the world around . If you go to any store on a Sunday you see all the frustrated female faces. Except the gay and lesbian couples who generally seem to do things together independently from sports galore.
If I was living somewhere where there would not be just stifling heat and humidity at least i could go outside and do something - I hate this Florida and cant wait to get out of here.
I loved it this summer upstate wher you can actually walk outside . The air is nice and crisp .
There are lots of things to do unlike here were you have nothing but swamp and sand .
I am counting the time to move upstate !

Saturday, October 20, 2007

A way to vent about my daily life

You can call me oldfashioned or what not , but I haven't thought about this blogging before. Instead I just complain about things to myself , or laugh out loud without anyone hearing it.
SO there it is from now on - my space to let everyone know how I really feel about things.
If no one reads it - oh well at least I get it off my chest . I am planning to make this a sport for my every day life things I like and I dont like and I really dont like . Dont get me started about Florida , where I do live for now .

My first blog

Where on earth do I start with this ? I guess I have to get a method of jotting down all the crazy things flying around my every day life.